
What you could give to:

  • Tithes and Offering: These first two points of giving carry out the daily operations at FAC. Daily operations include such things as mortgages, utilities, supplies, ministry staff, and administration.

  • Missions: This point of giving funds local and global missions. Locally, this includes outreach to our communities via marketing, special community evangelistic projects, and any other venues that help us reach our town. This helps special projects and monthly commitments to global and North American missionaries around the world.

  • Building: This point of giving includes any major improvements, construction, land purchases, and/or debt reduction relating to our present and future buildings.

How to Give to FAC:

Currently we are only able to accept donations via mail or in person. If you would like to mail a check please designate what your donation is for and send it to the following address.

First Apostolic Church

P.O. Box 436

Corning, AR 72422